@DATABASE "JTEMWB8.Guide" @AUTHOR "Jan-Tore Eliassen" @(c) "Copyright 1995 Jan-Tore Eliassen" @$VER: JTEMWB8.Guide 8.00 (19.09.95) @NODE "MAIN" "MAIN" @TOC "MAIN" @{fg shine} @{bg fill}JTE's Magic WB Icons 8@{bg background} 19.09.95@{fg text} @{" * " LINK "Introduction"} Introduction @{" * " LINK "Install"} Installation @{" * " LINK "Information"} Information @{" * " LINK "AngryAgain"} Angry Again! @{i}(If you're German and easily offended, then avoid!)@{ui} @{" * " LINK "Programmers"} A prayer to programmers... @{" * " LINK "Wanted"} Wanted Programs @{" * " LINK "Disclaimer"} Disclaimer @{" * " LINK "Copyright"} Copyright @{" * " LINK "Greetings"} Greetings @{" * " LINK "Address"} My Address @{" * " LINK "Products"} Other JTE Stuff @ENDNODE @NODE "Introduction" "Introduction" @TOC "MAIN" @{b}WELCOME TO JTE's MAGICWB ICONS 8@{ub} Finally here's another package of MagicWB v2 icons from @{"me" LINK "Address"}. I haven't exactly been rushing this release, 'cause I really got to be in the mood to start making (well, stealing!) icons, and it can take weeks before I get in the mood! But I have manage to make over 30 icons this time, and that's not bad at all if you ask @{"me" LINK "Address"}! :-) I also took the step into the AmigaGuide era with this release. It was a little bit complicated at first, 'cause of the way AmigaGuide's are setup, but I seem to have got the hang of it now. People (especially Germans) who easily get offended shall stay away from the @{"Angry Again!" LINK "AngryAgain"} part. I just have to blow out some steam... @{fg shine}Enjoy!@{fg text} B) @ENDNODE @NODE "Information" "Information" @TOC "MAIN" All the icons in this package are in 8 colors, 3 bitplanes. MagicWB v2.0 have a demon that controls the icons so they have the correct colors. So if you use a 16+ color MagicWB, the icon colors will not be messed up. This makes MagicWB v2.0 nearly as fast as the standard 4 color icons. Use IconDepth (v1.4), DoIcon (v1.4) or OptIcon (ITool201.LhA) to convert your icons to 3 bitplanes. There are utilities available now that do the same as the MagicWB demon. Get hold of one if you aren't a registered MagicWB user. One of these are ShoveColors that comes with the PictIcon (1.4) archive from Chad Randall. MagicWB look best for screens sized 640x512 and above. Avoid using it with low resolution screens... Icons are meant to replace the text in a GUI (Graphic User Interface). So avoid using too large fonts on the Workbench. XHelvetica 9 or 11 are big enough for the WB. Just a friendly advise! ;-) @ENDNODE @NODE "AngryAgain" "Angry Again!" @TOC "MAIN" @{b}If you are German and easily get offended, then STOP READING. It's like TV, if you don't like seeing people getting their guts shot to pieces or people who fucks their brains out, just hit the OFF button or switch to another channel!@{ub} This is to the waste amount of German PD programmers: - You must love your language very much, and have a HUGE German ONLY speaking Amiga market that uses your programs! Why in the HELL can't you make programs use the universal language, English (in case you didn't know!) as standard? You can use your own language via locale support. I've put out by using dozens of great programs because they are in German only, and no locale support. Do you have English in school at all? You can start to wonder, by looking at German TV channels (interviews being done via an interpreter), films (every single is dubbed, taking away the actors/actress integrity) and computer programs & games (being German ONLY for 2-3 years before being translated). This attack is aimed on Public Domain/Shareware programmers who only release their programs in German. Come on now! Get your acts together now! Those who do release their programs in English I salute! @{fg fill}As ST says "...If I offended you, I'm sorry. But maybe you need to be offended. But here's my appology and one more thing... FUCK YOU!"@{fg text} @ENDNODE @NODE "Copyright" "Copyright" @TOC "MAIN" @{b}COPYRIGHT@{ub} MagicWB is Copyright 1992-1994 Martin Huttenloher. JTE's MagicWB Icons 8 is Copyright 1995 @{"Jan-Tore Eliassen" LINK "Address"}. This archive @{fg shine}CARDWARE@{fg text}. This mean that if you use some of the icons you'll have to send me a postcard which shows a picture of your hometown. A Iron Maiden or Megadeth postcard will do the trick too! You are allowed to spread it all over the world using any storage medium available, but you must spread the whole archive. Programmers & creators of PD-software are allowed to include single icons of this package in their own package-distributions. No one is allowed to take more than 1,- (English pound) including disk and copying cost, and you must include some other MagicWB icons/patterns to fill up the disk by at least 90%. @ENDNODE @NODE "Address" "Contact me at this address" @TOC "MAIN" S C A R E M O N G E R Jan-Tore Eliassen vre Salangen N-9350 Sj vegan NORWAY/EUROPE (Scala, NComm, Thor, Whalekilling, Worlds 2nd Best Football National Team, Eurovision Song Contest Winner 1995, Oil, Boring Movies, Crazy Tax/Duty Policy - but NO Polarbears) Hate mail? Send to >NIL: @{fg fill}PLEASE NOTE! Don't use my handle/alias on the postcards/letters.@{fg text} @{b}HARDWARE:@{ub} Amiga 4000/030/40MHz 68882 6 Mb Ram 85 Mb Seagate IDE HD 540 Mb Quantum IDE HD 40 Mb Connor GVP SCSI HD (From the A2000 dayz!) C= 1942 bi-sync monitor HP Deskjet 500C (Color cartridges are fucking expensive!) X-Link V34 FaxModem & Zoom V32bis FaxModem Extra floppy (880k) Sharp JX-100 Colorscanner Comptec mouse Roboshift II mouse/joystick shifter 2 Zipstick's @ENDNODE @NODE "Disclaimer" "Disclaimer" @TOC "MAIN" @{b}DISCLAIMER@{ub} THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED BELOW, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. @ENDNODE @NODE "Products" "I've made this shit too!" @TOC "MAIN" - Iron Maiden cardset for REKO's Klondike Deluxe AGA III and/or Logic Systems Cardgames Deluxe AGA. - @{"JTE" LINK "Address"} Magic WB icons 3 -> 7 (Look for JTEMWBx.LhA on AmiNet) Coming soon to a BBS near you: - My Dircetory Opus v4.12 config with lots of buttons, filetypes etc. and a detailed AmigaGuide description file for the config. (JTEDOpus.LhA) - Lots of MagicWB patterns for use with Magic Selector. (JTEPatx.LhA) @{fg fill}PLEASE NOTE! JTEMWB1.LhA & JTEMWB2.LhA should be deleted from the face of the earth as they are lame and the icons from those two packages are updated in JTEMWB3.LhA anyway!@{fg text} @ENDNODE @NODE "Install" "How to install the icons" @TOC "MAIN" Click on @{fg shine}ClickForColors@{fg text} for the MagicWB v2.0 palette. Use a icon update program: MUI_IconUpdate, IconUpdate, SwazInfo or any other, which preserves the tooltypes and position of the icon, to update your old icons. @ENDNODE @NODE "Greetings" "Greetings" @TOC "MAIN" @{b}BIG HUGS & KISSES (YAK!) GOES OUT TO:@{ub} Martin Huttenloher for creating MagicWB. When will the 16 colors MagicWB be released? ( Roman Patzner for his very high quality RomIcons, which really blows my mind! I see you got my postcard from Florida! :-) To the folks who have sent me greetings, postcards & letters, thinking my MagicWB icons are worth while. Thanks, I really appreciate it. -> Etienne Schneider, Gambsheim, France -> Roman Patzner, St.Johann/Pongau, Austria -> Ole Kr. Aamot, lesund, Norway -> Trevor Morris, Oromocto, Canada -> Mark Sorensen, Victoria, Australia -> Sylvain Bail, Tharon Plage, France Heavy Metal & Heavy Rock, for without I've had perfectly good hearing! Those to blame, among others, Corrosion of Conformity, Monster Magnet, Megadeth, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Old Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, Pantera & all other great METAL bands! Escom for buying the Amiga. Hope you'll succeed in relaunching the Amiga and hopefully develope new ones... at a reasonably price. I'll be there! George Lucas for starting making a new StarWars trilogy... My snail-mail & BBS contacts (no one mention, no one forgotten). @ENDNODE @NODE "Wanted" "Wanted stuff!" @TOC "MAIN" I've would like to see the following programs/utilities being programmed/ enchanted: - A datatype for icon files (.info), that can load both images, so you can load them directly into a paint program, say PPaint, without having to go via an icon editor or have to convert them by a utility or something. - A personal finance/account program. I know there are a couple of them out there, both commercial and shareware, but none have locale support, which is a great benefit for these kinds of programmes. - A satellite database for owners of satellite dishes. Keeping track of available satellites & channels, stored satellites & channels on your tuner, video standard, freqencies, sound carrier and so on. - AGA fix for Bubble Bobble. @ENDNODE @NODE "Programmers" "Just Do It!" @TOC "MAIN" This is to all you programmers out there: - Make your programs font sensitive, don't use topaz 8 as standard, let the program use the Systems default font. Some programs looks so ugly in high resolution that I don't use/register them because of that. - Make your programs have language/locale support. It's nothing that beats to use a program in your own language. And do remember to include the .ct & .cd files (Preferably CatEdit compatible!) so @{i}we@{ui} can translate your program. @{fg shine}Thank you for your attention, now go do it!@{fg text} @ENDNODE